Tuesday 20 January 2015

Hello, Internet!

So, I did it. 
I started a blog.
Why, you may ask? 
Well, today marks one week until I start one of, if not the most important year of my life. Year 12. Nervous is an understatement. Terrified? You're getting there. 
I thought about keeping a diary to express my innermost thoughts and feelings about the year ahead. However, the thought of writing this to myself seemed a bit, well, pointless really. 
I want to know that someone, even just one person, somewhere in this crazy world will be able to read what I've got to say. This blog is a space for me to come and have somewhere to say what I want, when I want and how I want- to someone. 
This blog is anonymous so I can remain totally me, without having to worry about sounding "cool" or not. Here I can say what I want to say, and it would be awesome if you (if there's anyone there) join me. 
This can be our very own little nook of the internet where we can talk about what it it's really like- without having to pretend to be something we're not. A place for rambling, venting, expressing love, hope, sadness, anxiety, excitement- the lot! A place for support and encouragement in every shape and form.
See- the rambling has already started! I guess I'll leave it there for now. If you read this far, you're a trooper, thank you, and let me know what you think in the comments below. 

Lot's of anonymous love,

Girl Unknown xxx